How to Get Rid of Your Warts

They’re ugly and embarrassing. When you discover you have one or more, you recoil in disgust. A wart? Where did that come from? Who knows, but one thing is sure—you want it gone. You’ve heard about all the various methods for killing it, but some sound painful, and others seem like they take forever. What… Read More

Supplements are rapidly becoming a staple in many consumers’ diets around the world. An estimated 60% of consumers take vitamins and other supplements on a daily basis. Within the United States, there is a very even spread of supplement users across all demographics. Within various age demographics, supplement usage between the ages of 18 and… Read More

If you’re feeling frustrated at work, it might be time to see a career counselor. According to Gallup polls, 60% of employees are emotionally aloof at work, and 19% are depressed. Career counseling can help you develop strategies for dealing with these feelings and improve your overall performance as a team member.  Importance of Career… Read More

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a lot of new attention to infection and infection control over the last few years. It killed nearly 136,000 nursing home residents and more than 2,000 workers. While nursing home residents make up less than 1% of the US population, they accounted for a fifth of COVID related deaths. Low-income… Read More

Sleep is a key aspect to a healthy life, but it is often overlooked.  In fact, 68% of Americans have trouble falling asleep each week.  Luckily, there are tools that help people improve their sleep and overall health.  Being cognizant of which bedding you use, as well as how you wash your sheets, can have… Read More

Are you feeling distracted? Focus can improve your life with the science of cognitive performance. In fact, the human mind wanders for 47 percent of the day, wasting time and energy. We are also constantly bombarded with demands for our attention. The average person gets up to 10,000 marketing messages daily and up to 80… Read More

At the start of the pandemic, lockdown mandates changed for many the routine of daily life, putting several otherwise normal tasks on hold. Many sought after ways to keep occupied as their jobs became remote, their gyms closed, and their favorite restaurants shut down. Now, in a nearly post-pandemic world, remote work and other norms… Read More

Digestive health is a hot topic in America. 20 million Americans suffer from a chronic digestive disease. Looking worldwide, 62% of people suffer from digestive issues at least once a year. Digestive issues range in severity from diarrhea to colorectal cancer. Even mild digestive issues can cause intense pain and discomfort. What causes so many… Read More

When you spend valuable time working out, you’ll want to make sure you’re getting the most out of that work out. In order to do so, you’ll need to make certain that your exercise regiment is going to give you optimal results, but if you’re interested in jump starting those results, then finding the right… Read More

If you’re not a fan of how your waistline looks, there are several options at your disposal to help you get the look for which you’re hoping. If traditional methods haven’t worked or you’re looking to maximize your results as quickly as possibly, then you may want to look into a waist trainer. Not only… Read More