Has someone told you that you should gain weight? There are so many reasons why someone may want (or need) to gain weight. But unfortunately, information on how to gain weight in a healthy manner is lacking. Maybe your doctor wants you to gain weight for better health or treatment outcomes. Or, maybe your coach… Read More
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Are you feeling constipated right now? Are you stuck in your bathroom hoping to find some answers on how to relieve constipation fast? You probably have things to get done today, and being constipated is a real roadblock. If you’ve been struggling with constipation, we’ve got several things you can do to get your gut… Read More
A half marathon is the perfect distance for many runners, as it’s a definite challenge that you can feel proud of, but more realistic than a full marathon for many. Despite not being a full marathon, a 13.1 mile run is nothing to underestimate and definitely must be prepared for. Without the proper training, you… Read More
Even if your ultimate goal is weight loss, getting a bigger butt might also fit into your diet and fitness aspirations. Not only does a nicely shaped bubble butt look great in your favorite pair of jeans, but strong glutes also help you to carry out day to day activities more effectively and prevent injury…. Read More
The keto diet is everywhere. We see it online, on TV and all over grocery stores. You’ve probably been bombarded with countless keto advertisements. With all of the attention, there’s no doubt that millions of people want to try out the ketogenic diet. If everyone is talking about going keto, we all should try it…. Read More
Intermittent fasting is a big buzz-term on the Internet today. It’s been promoted for weight loss and diabetes. Maybe you’ve seen a friend or coworker on a fasting diet. Are these people crazy, or are they on to something? If you’re interested in learning about intermittent fasting, keep reading! Here, you’ll find out what research… Read More
Whether you are a seasoned athlete or brand new to exercising, one thing is imperative….and that is getting a good warmup before your movement begins. Think of it this way: if you could spend a few minutes at the beginning of every workout to move, stretch, and get your blood flowing before your exercise in… Read More
Everyone has struggled with water weight at some point, and it’s no fun at all. The human body is made up of around 60% water, and many vital roles and functions depend on this life-giving substance. However, excess water weight is a different story. Technically referred to as edema, water weight (or water retention), can… Read More
Modern-day society has created an epidemic of fatigue. So many people feel a constant pressure to be on-the-go, with far more focus on productivity than on relaxation. While there is nothing inherently wrong with being productive, it’s important to strike a balance between work, family and down-time. Easier said than done, but not impossible. Getting… Read More
Have you been coughing, sneezing or sniffling? Maybe you woke up with a scratchy throat. It seems that once we start getting sick, it’s then that we concern ourselves with how well our immune system is working. People often reach for an Emergen-C tablet, but if you’re already sick, that’s not going to help you. Immunity… Read More